Over the past month I've had a couple of days to get out and do a little birding and photography here in the Valley. Below are some recent photos......
Cedar Waxwing - Recently there has been a flock of 135 descending upon the downtown area of Amherst. This photo was taken on So.Pleasant Street, near Amherst College.
Field Sparrow- Always a good bird in winter. The past several winters we get one at our feeding station..on-off.
Carolina Wren- You know it's a tough winter when they start visiting our feeder. This bird is holding up just fine. Carolina Wrens seem to be dealing with New England winters far better than they use too.
Horned Lark- flocks of 50 to 260 have been reported in the valley this winter. This bird and others put on a great show off of Stillwater Road in deerfield.
Lesser Blacked-backed Gull- This adult continues to put on a late afternoon show at Barton's cove in Turners Falls.

Bohemian Waxwing- I was lucky to come across two birds in Deerfield a few weeks ago. for the most part, the large numbers of Bohemians have been staying north of us. Hopefully that will change in the coming weeks.

Lapland Longspurs- A few of these birds, along with the Horned Larks put on a great show off of Stillwater Rd in Deerfield. Other Longspurs have also been report several times in the Hadley area.

Horned Lark & Lapland Longspur- Deerfield
Red-breasted Nuthatch-Amherst.