Cherry Hill Golf Course- View of First Fairway.
The first Winter Fest was held today at the Cherry Hill Golf Course in Amherst, Massachusetts. Many activities were held throughout the day including two bird walks that were led by members of the Hampshire Bird Club. Mary Alice Wilson and myself led the first walk of the day, and while there was only four of us on the first walk-we had a good time. Species seen...Highlights
Red-Tailed Hawk (1)
American Crow (24)
Eastern Bluebird (10)
American Robin (36)
Northern Mockingbird (1)
American Tree Sparrow (4)
White-thr.Sparrow (1)
White-crowned Sparrow (1 )
Dark-eyed Junco (20)

After the bird walk, Mary Alice and I headed up to Turners Falls to see what mgiht be on Barton's Cove. As we headed north, the snow that started in Amherst became heavier as we headed north. Despite the steady snow, we could scan most of the area around the dam - Ring-billed, Great Black-backed and Herring Gulls were present in small numbers, along with Mute Swans, a Common Goldeneye & Common Merganser. The highlight was (42) Pine Grosbeaks in downtown Turners Falls, that contained at least 10 males.

Pine Grosbeak- Male